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Events and Talks


Over the years I’ve spoken at many events across the United States and Europe.

Please join my mailing list below to be notified of upcoming events, including online discussions and webinars.

The National Gardens in Athens.

The National Gardens in Athens.


Upcoming Events

Read about a five-day course that I’m offering in Florence, Italy, in May of 2023. I’d love to meet you there:

Selected Past Events

“The Stoic Cosmopolis: Why We Are Born to Be Ethical.” Modern Stoicism Conference. American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece. October 5, 2019.

“Why ‘Sustainability’ Isn’t Working: The Simple Case for Regenerative Ecological Design.” Green Drinks Sarajevo. November 15, 2016.

“Anima Mundi: The World Soul from Plato’s Timaeus to the Gaia Hypothesis.” Temenos Academy, London. June 27, 2016.

“From Plato’s Academy to the Era of Hyperspecialization: Rediscovering the Lost Spirit of the Humanities.” The Humanities, the Experience of the Transcendent, and the Future of Higher Education: A Symposium. Hotel Titania, Athens, Greece. June 19, 2015.

“A Tale of Two Cities: Spiritual Unity and Diversity in Ancient Alexandria and Historical Sarajevo.” First International Conference on Sarajevo in the World, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. May 4, 2015.

“The Golden Thread of the Muses: How the Museum and Library Came to Alexandria.” Ancient Alexandria: Greco-Egyptian Birthplace of the Western Mind. Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt. June 11, 2012.